What Are The Transportation Options For Dialysis Patients? [Get The Facts]

Dialysis can be a very inconvenient process – especially when it comes to transportation. In fact, transportation can be a previously unforeseen issue, causing costs to mount up. 

When it comes to choosing your dialysis clinic, you might look at the quality of the clinic and the treatment offered – which are incredibly important considerations. However, what about transport to and from the clinic? Dialysis is a time-consuming procedure and needs to be repeated around three times a week. 

What kind of transportation do you need? What should you expect? What about traveling with dialysis? Let’s find out.

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What Transportation Does A Dialysis Patient Need?

The absolute basic transportation a dialysis patient needs is a ride to and from the clinic. While you might be able to drive yourself to your dialysis appointments or get a ride from a friend or family member, not everyone has those options. 

Some dialysis patients are elderly, infirm, or live a long way away from the clinic. Gas prices and wear and tear on your vehicle also need to be considered. Dialysis is an expensive procedure, and costs can quickly mount up. 

Some transportation services specialize in transporting dialysis patients. Their services include:

  • Moving bed-bound patients to the vehicle
  • Safely and securely strapping passengers into the vehicle 
  • Once at the destination, helping the passengers in and out of the vehicle 

Services like EMT may be the best option for patients who struggle with transportation.

What Should You Expect?

A dialysis transportation service may be expensive, especially for trips to the dialysis clinic three times a week. However, transportation services can be reliable and reasonably priced – and it’s one less thing to worry about. Transportation services are better options for infirm and ill patients, as they’re often comfortable, a smooth ride, and reliable. 

Alternatively, you can try and get your own transportation to and from the clinic, whether by your own vehicle or someone else’s. Better get, try and find a clinic within a comfortable traveling distance of your home. 

Author: dialysisfaq